
breaking bulk中文是什么意思

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  • 例句与用法
  • 6 for break bulk cargoes , if goods are shipped in containers by the seller without prior consent of the buyer , a compensation of a certain amount to be agreed upon by both parties shall be payable to the buyer by the seller
  • The total target that the transportation departments do about adjusting the construction of transportation capability is keeping the shipping abilities constant and reducing to 18 percent in the dry cargo and break bulk cargo ; rise up 12 percent in oil ships ; owning 1 . 5 percent in chemical and liquid ships and 6 . 5 percent in roll - roll and other ships in 2005 . the transportation capability is controlled by the promotion of 2 . 5 pecent during 2006 and 2010 . the transportation capability is reduced to 75 percent in dry cargo and break bulk cargo and risen up 13 percent in oil ships ; 2 percent in chemical and liquid ships ; 10 percent in roll - roll container and other ships in 2010
    交通部关于运力结构调整的总体目标是: 2005年前,长江省际运输运力总量基本保持不变,通过结构调整到2005年使干散货运力比重下降到18 ,油船比重上升到12 ,化学品船和液化气船占1 . 5 、汽车滚装船等其它船舶占6 . 5 ; 2006年? 2010年,长江省际运输运力总量平均增长控制在2 . 5以内,通过结构调整,到2010年使干散货船运力比重下降到75 ,油船比重上升到13 ,化学品船和液化气船占2 ,汽车滚装船、集装箱船等其它船舶占10 。
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